Massage Therapy: Focusing on helping you to reduce your…
pain issues, gain more range of motion and understanding how you use your body every day!

About Me
Hi, my name is Emily Boudwin, a neuromuscular massage therapist. I’ve had eleven years of hands on experience, working to relieve and reduce my clients chronic pain patterns.
In 2010 I attended a year long, 760 hour, neuromuscular massage therapy program in Sandy Springs, Georgia, where I was living at the time. I fell in love with learning about how the body works and helping my clients to feel better. Every 6 weeks, during my massage training, we would focus on a different area of the body. This type of focused learning really helped me to be able to focus on specific problem areas in my clients bodies.
Since graduating summa cum laude from my massage therapy program, December 23, 2010, I have added other massage, movement and health coaching certifications, to better help my clients.
I’ve always enjoyed helping others. The one on one that I get with my clients, means that I get to focus on you and helping you to understand your muscular pain and discomfort. We get to explore together your pain and tension patterns and then work on lessening them. I will teach you about what I am doing.

I’ve been there…
Life is stressful. It helps when we are prepared for what life throws at us. Sometimes, though, life isn’t planned. I wasn’t prepared to raise a special needs daughter, one who threw the book at me: epilepsy, food allergies, gut issues, adhd, autism, severe learning disability. I didn’t know how to handle the chronic long term stress. Thus my body started presenting with chronic stress related problems: IBS, migraines, neuropathy, TMJ pain, headaches, gut issues, stiff neck, etc.
What has helped me
Paying attention to my own body. Taking the time to “see” me. Giving myself permission to focus on my own health, mental/physical/emotional. Saying yes to what is good and good for me right now. Saying no to those things that are good, but not good for me right now. This last one has been a learning process. Over committing myself is extremely harmful to me and to those around me.
When you work with me, I am helping you to focus on “seeing” you. The first step to changing, adding something in, etc., is to start “seeing” yourself. You cannot make progress without first “seeing”.